Species Hybrids

kimboshi together

Pseudatas: I. pseudacorus crossed with Japanese Iris (I. ensata). Great advances have recently been made in hybridizing Iris pseudacorus with Japanese iris in the pursuit of getting yellow pigment into a Japanese iris form. Yellow has been achieved and some fantastic Eye Shadow signal patterns emerged. These pseudata iris are hardy to Zone 4, vigorous growers, especially when grown in or near water (growing up to 5′ tall) and adapt to garden conditions (growing up to 3′ tall). They have 3-4 branches and 10-16 buds, clumps remain in bloom about 3 weeks once established. These new iris are sterile hybrids and will not spread into waterways.

For more information check out Ensata Gardens – new listing Pseudatas. Many thanks to John and Bob at Ensata for permission to use some of their material.
