Adopt An Iris

For many years now the Bay of Plenty Group of the NZIS has had as part of their meeting programme, a project known as “Adopt an Iris”. The original concept was thought to be one way the Group could work towards one of the objectives of the Society, i.e. “To encourage, improve and extend the study and cultivation of the Genus Iris”.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Group each year the programme is set for the monthly meetings, and each member is allocated by a draw, a type or species of iris to study. It is ideal if they have or can obtain the iris, to grow on and study the actual plant, and also to research by any means, the information about that particular member of the Genus.

The project is intended to benefit both the person studying the iris, and the rest of the members when each one presents their findings at a meeting, which then leads to considerable discussion. In earlier years the study has come from personal experience and books, but these days much information is readily available on the internet, and the members have certainly made the most of that this year. The findings and credited photographs of each member’s item have been printed out and a folder of these is being kept by the Group as part of the library of information.

Stephanie Boot


Iris pallida

Louisiana Irises – The Swamp Dwellers

Pacific Coast Native Irises