New Life Members

Alison Simpson joined the N.Z Iris Society in 1989 and has performed many vital roles in the years since, both nationally and in the local South Canterbury Group of NZIS.
In 2003 Alison became Membership Secretary for the N.Z. Society, and then in 2004 she extended her involvement to include the role of Treasurer, a position she relinquished only in 2013.
She remained as Membership Secretary until 2021 when the Society updated to an electronic subscription joining and renewal system to make life easier.
Alison has been an Iris Judge since 2003, and for the most part, she has been a Senior Judge. Her knowledge of Irises and time spent helping and educating people has been so valuable and covers an extensive period of years. An article on Alison in the 2018 March Bulletin, well describes her devotion to the flower we all love and her gardening skills. The title of the article, “A Good Story Takes Time”, is very apt.
Alison was given a Life Membership of the South Canterbury Iris Group at their 50th celebration in August 2012 and now she has been awarded Life Membership with the New Zealand Iris Society this year. Congratulations Alison.

Lyn Stockley joined the Iris Society in July 1988. She is a senior Judge, and took over the seed pool in 1996
She has accessed seed from all over the world for us to grow . There is more than meets the eye
with sorting packaging and labeling seed for distribution .
She has been a member of the show committee with the Bay of Plenty group.
Lyn did this job for 25 years and the committee has much pleasure in awarding her life membership.